Q1 . A Border Router is connected to more than one ISP. True or False?

Q2 . Each ISP must run intra-domain routing protocols to route packets within its domain. True or False?

Q3 . In graph abstraction of communication networks, edges represent routers. True or False?

Q4 . In graph representation of communication networks, all links must have identical costs/weights. True or False?

Q5 . The shortest path represents the path with the minimum number of hops:

A. when all links have equal cost

B. in any communication networks

C. when each hop has at least 1 ms of delay at minimum

D. when most hops are heavily loaded

Q6 . In link state routing, routers must flood the network with any changes in its links. True or False?

Q7 . Distance Vector scales better than Link State because it generally exchanges smaller size update packets with its neighbours. True or False?

Q8 . With Distance Vector routing, each router must have the knowledge of the complete network topology. True or False?

Q9 . For a network with 10 routers, the loop in Dijkstra's algorithm will be executed:

A.only once

B.9 times

C.10 times

D.11 times

Resource created Saturday 04 September 2021, 10:47:48 AM, last modified Wednesday 27 October 2021, 02:46:24 PM.

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