. LAN address is also known as:
A. TCP address
B. IP address
C. MAC address
D. Virtual address
Q2 . LAN address is usually written in:
A. Hexadecimal notation
B. Binary notation
C. Decimal notation
D. in words
Q3 . ARP is used to resolve:
A. the IP address of a domain name
B. the next-hop address for an arriving packet
C. the associated LAN address of an IP address
D. the associated IP address of a LAN address
Q4 . A network admin is needed to configure an ARP table. True or False?
Q5 . Which of the following is an example of link-layer protocol?
C. Ethernet
Q6 . One of the advantages of using bus-based Ethernet is that collisions can be completely avoided. True or False ?
. Switching tables in LAN switches are typically configured by
a network admin. True or False?
Q8 . In a LAN switch, packets:
A. are never flooded
B. are always flooded
C. can be flooded sometimes
D. are flooded only when reliable service is required.
Q9 . If a LAN switch has flooded a packet, it means the switch did not know which LAN segment the packet came from. True or False?
Q10 . If a LAN switch has flooded a packet, it means the switch did not know which LAN segment the packet destination is connected to. True or False?
Resource created Saturday 04 September 2021, 10:47:48 AM, last modified Wednesday 03 November 2021, 03:22:17 PM.