Q1. Message Integrity ensures that only the sender and the receiver understands the content of the message. True or False?
Q2. Endpoint authentication ensures that only the sender and the receiver understands the content of the message. True or False?
Q3. The aim of encryption is to hide the plain text as well as the encryption algorithm from intruders. True or False?
Q4. Symmetric key encryption uses identical keys at both the communicating parties. True or False?
Q5. We use Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) to
a. Reduce the overhead associated with sending random bits along with ciphertext
b. Make the encryption more secure
c. Hide the random bits used in the process of encryption
d. None of the above
Q6. An attacker launching a brute force attack on an N-bit block cipher in the worst case will have to try out how many combinations?
a. 2^N
b. N!
c. (2^N)!
d. (N!)^2
Q7. AES is an example of
a. Symmetric key cryptography
b. Public key cryptography
c. Hybrid key cryptography
d. None of the above
Q8. Suppose Alice is using public-key cryptography whereby Alice uses Bob's public key to encrypt her messages for Bob. What is being achieved?
a. Message Integrity
b. Sender Authentication
c. Both a and b
d. None of above
Q9. If you want to send only a short message to your peer, what type of encryption technique would be more efficient?
a. Symmetric key cryptography with an appropriate key exchange mechanism
b. Public key cryptography
c. Hybrid key cryptography
d. None of the above
Q10. A digital signature provides
a. Confidentiality
b. Message integrity & Non-repudiation
c. Message integrity only
d. None of the above
Resource created Saturday 04 September 2021, 10:47:48 AM, last modified Wednesday 10 November 2021, 02:17:59 PM.