Q1 . A router performs routing when a data packet arrives. True or False?

Q2 . When a packet arrives, a router performs forwarding. True or False?

Q3 . To perform forwarding, a router needs to perform routing first. True or False?

Q4 . To perform forwarding, a router must inspect the source address in the arriving packet's header. True or False?

Q5 . IP packet fragmentation:

A. helps speed up data delivery in the Internet

B. cannot be avoided

C. can be avoided by controlling TCP segment size based on path MTU discovery

D. can be avoided by configuring the maximum transfer unit (MTU) of the underlying link layer.

Q6 . Each network interface of a host must be configured with an IP address. True or False?

Q7 . Two hosts connected to the same subnet can reach each other without the help of a router. True or False?

Q8 . In the original "classful" addressing scheme, the network address part of the 32-bit IP address could have a maximum of:

A. 8 bits

B. 10 bits

C. 16 bits

D. 24 bits

Q9 . In today's CIDR addressing scheme, the subnet part of the 32-bit IP address:

A. can only have 24 bits

B. must be at least 8 bits long

C. can have a maximum length of 28 bits

D. can have any arbitrary length (<= 32 bit)

Q10 . CIDR addressing scheme could work without the help of subnet masks. True or False?

Q11 . How many IP addresses belong to the subnet


B. 32

C. 64

D. 128

Q12 . What are the IP addresses at the two end-points of the subnet

A. and

B. and

C. and

D. and

Q13 . Without DHCP, a host cannot be configured with an IP address. True or False?

Q14 . From the IP address, one can guess the geographic location of the device. True or False?

Q15 . The two subnets and have overlapping IP addresses. True or False?

Q16 . One of the advantages of NAT is that the organisation can change the addresses of the devices within its local network

without notifying the outside world. True or False?

Q17 . NAT violates the layering principle. True or False?

Q18 . For NAT to work, we need at least two public IP addresses. True or False?

Resource created Saturday 04 September 2021, 10:47:47 AM, last modified Wednesday 27 October 2021, 02:43:06 PM.

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