Q1 . If a local name server has no clue about where to find the address for a hostname then

A. Server asks its adjacent name server

B. Server asks its root name server

C. Request is not processed

D. Server explodes

Q2 . Which of the following is an example of a Top Level Domain?

A. yoda.jedi.starwars.com

B. jedi.starwars.com

C. starwars.com

D. .com

Q3 . A web browser needs to contact www.cse.unsw.edu.au . The minimum number of DNS requests sent is:

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3

Q4 . The role of the CDN provider’s authoritative DNS name server in a content distribution network basically is:

A. to provide an alias address for each browser access to the “origin server” of a CDN website

B. to map the query for each CDN object to the CDN server closest to the requestor (browser)

C. to provide a mechanism for CDN “origin servers” to provide paths for clients (browsers)

D. none of the above, CDN networks do not use DNS

Q5 . When web-based email is used, two mail servers communicate with each other using HTTP. True or False?

Q6 . P2P networks must have servers to help new peers find other peers. True or False?

Q7 . P2P networks must maintain trackers to help new peers join the network. True or False?

Q8 . The 'rarest first' is a P2P networking policy to select

A. the next peer to download chunks from

B. the next chunk to download

C. the tracker to query for other peers

D. the file to download

Q9 .The 'rarest first' policy helps

A. download precious files

B. download chunks that no other peers have

C. duplicate chunks in the P2P network so even if a peer disappears, other peers will contain the chunks

D. remove chunks from the network that are rarely used

Q10 . In BitTorrent, Peer A will never send chunks to Peer B if Peer B is not in Peer A's top 4 list. True or False?

Q11 . In DHT, a hash function converts

A. an integer to a real number

B. an a real number to an integer

C. an integer to a string

D. a string to an integer

Q12 . Which of the following will help address the 'peer churn' (i.e., a peer disappearing) problem?

A. each peer knows its two immediate predecessors

B. each peer knows its two immediate successors

C. each peer knows its immediate successor and two immediate predecessors

D. each peer knows its immediate predecessor and two immediate successors

Resource created Saturday 04 September 2021, 10:47:47 AM, last modified Thursday 23 September 2021, 02:41:06 PM.

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