    Sample code for Multi-Threaded Server
    Python 3
    Usage: python3 TCPserver3.py localhost 12000
    coding: utf-8
    Author: Wei Song (Tutor for COMP3331/9331)
from socket import *
from threading import Thread
import sys, select

# acquire server host and port from command line parameter
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print("\n===== Error usage, python3 TCPServer3.py SERVER_PORT ======\n");
serverHost = ""
serverPort = int(sys.argv[1])
serverAddress = (serverHost, serverPort)

# define socket for the server side and bind address
serverSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)

    Define multi-thread class for client
    This class would be used to define the instance for each connection from each client
    For example, client-1 makes a connection request to the server, the server will call
    class (ClientThread) to define a thread for client-1, and when client-2 make a connection
    request to the server, the server will call class (ClientThread) again and create a thread
    for client-2. Each client will be runing in a separate therad, which is the multi-threading
class ClientThread(Thread):
    def __init__(self, clientAddress, clientSocket):
        self.clientAddress = clientAddress
        self.clientSocket = clientSocket
        self.clientAlive = False
        print("===== New connection created for: ", clientAddress)
        self.clientAlive = True
    def run(self):
        message = ''
        while self.clientAlive:
            # use recv() to receive message from the client
            data = self.clientSocket.recv(1024)
            message = data.decode()
            # if the message from client is empty, the client would be off-line then set the client as offline (alive=Flase)
            if message == '':
                self.clientAlive = False
                print("===== the user disconnected - ", clientAddress)
            # handle message from the client
            if message == 'login':
                print("[recv] New login request")
            elif message == 'download':
                print("[recv] Download request")
                message = 'download filename'
                print("[send] " + message)
                print("[recv] " + message)
                print("[send] Cannot understand this message")
                message = 'Cannot understand this message'
        You can create more customized APIs here, e.g., logic for processing user authentication
        Each api can be used to handle one specific function, for example:
        def process_login(self):
            message = 'user credentials request'
    def process_login(self):
        message = 'user credentials request'
        print('[send] ' + message);

print("\n===== Server is running =====")
print("===== Waiting for connection request from clients...=====")

while True:
    clientSockt, clientAddress = serverSocket.accept()
    clientThread = ClientThread(clientAddress, clientSockt)

Resource created Saturday 04 September 2021, 10:47:46 AM, last modified Monday 04 October 2021, 08:19:45 AM.

file: TCPServer3.py

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