- Zoom Meeting Link (Only for asking questions/clarifications about exam questions or if you encounter technical problems)

    • You may join the following Zoom Meeting link if you have any questions or encounter technical problems. You are NOT required to join the meeting: Meeting Room (Password: 7empest)
    • Ayda and I will be there 10 minutes earlier (i.e., from 09:20) to sort out potential issues.
    • Do NOT turn on the microphone or camera.

- The mid-term exam will be held on Mon day, 25th October (Week 7) during regular lecture hours (09:00 - 11:00). No content will be taught on that day. The exam will commence at 09:30 and end at 10:40 (70 minutes). Exam conditions are available here .

- The exam arrangement applies to both COMP3331 and COMP9331 students.

- This is an open book/notes exam. You are allowed to use calculators. We strongly recommend that you download all slides and homework sets to your local machine to ensure that the WebCMS server is not overloaded during the exam.

- The exam will run for a total of 70 minutes . All questions must be answered. The marks for each question are noted. There is no separate reading time. An online timer will keep track of your time from the moment you indicate the start of your test and automatically submit your test when the timer expires. You can submit manually before the time expires.

- A practice exam will be made available soon and will close by 09:00 am, 25th October. We strongly encourage you to attempt the exam to get acquainted with the Inspera exam platform and the type of questions that you may expect.

- The exam will cover all contents from Week 1 up to and including Week 5 excluding congestion control. There will be no questions on programming or on the lab exercises.

- If you have any questions, please use the Ed discussion forum.

- You are encouraged to solve all types of questions, exercises, homework, etc. that are made available to you via the WebCMS portal.

Special Consideration: Students who have sent us their Disability Support letter, will be directly contacted about the special arrangements of their exam. Students who cannot sit for the test due to sickness or any other unavoidable serious situations must lodge a special consideration application via myUNSW attaching relevant documents.

Resource created Saturday 04 September 2021, 10:47:45 AM, last modified Sunday 10 October 2021, 09:24:05 AM.

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