set xlabel "time [s]"
set ylabel "throughput [pkts/s]"
set key bel

# In the plotting command, the argument ($i) denotes the ith column of the input data file
plot "" u ($1):($3) t "flow: 2 - 3" w lp, "" u ($1):($3) t "flow: 4 - 5" w lp, "" u ($1):($3) t "flow: 6 - 7" w lp, "" u ($1):($3) t "flow: 8 - 9" w lp, "" u ($1):($3) t "flow: 10 - 11" w lp   

set term png
set output "fairness_pkt.png"
pause -1

Resource created Saturday 04 September 2021, 10:47:44 AM.

file: fairness_pkt.plot

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